Sunday, July 20, 2014

Absolute Terms

Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee Ad:
A women's health care choice is her own not her boss's 

Proposed Republican Rebuttal Ad:

Buy your own abortion pills.

President Obama told Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Sunday that he had “serious concern” about the growing number of casualties in the fighting in Gaza, including both Palestinian civilian deaths and those of Israeli soldiers. (Washington Post, 7/20/2014)

Choose Netanyahu's response to Obama:

a) S**w you.
b) S**w you, your weak leadership has enabled the world's bad actors.
c) Don't you have a tee time?

We think it was Netanyahu who once said - after being lectured by some U.S. senator - "Don't talk to me about security. You go home to Chevy Chase. I go home to Tel Aviv."

Opposition politicians and environmentalists in Australia reacted with dismay Thursday to the country’s repeal of laws requiring large companies to pay for carbon emissions, saying that it made Australia the first country to reverse progress on fighting climate change. (New York Times, 7/17/2014)

On rare occasions a story comes along that gives us hope.

Shepherd and Flock
Outside Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr.’s Northwest Washington colonial and Secretary of State John Kerry’s historic Georgetown Federal, armed security guards wait with car engines humming. The motorcades idle so they are ready to shepherd Mr. Kerry and Mr. Holder to their offices or planes at a moment’s notice. (New York Times, 7/17/2014)

The global warming crowd. Hypocrites all. 

Read This and Become a Conservative
The Bureau of Prisons has rejected the Army’s request to accept the transfer of Chelsea Manning, formerly known as Pfc. Bradley Manning, from the military prison at Fort Leavenworth, Kan., to a civilian facility where she could get better treatment for her gender-identity condition. The military will instead begin the initial treatments for her. The initial gender treatments could include allowing Private Manning to wear some female undergarments and also possibly provide some hormone treatments. (New York Times, 7/17/2014)

Paid for with your tax dollars. Outraged yet?

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