Thursday, March 27, 2014

Further Reflection

The Uneducated
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid tried to explain the Obama administration's latest decision to extend a key ObamaCare deadline by saying people just "are not educated on how to use the Internet." (, 3/26/2014)

Liberals are now forbidden from ever - that's ever ever ever ever ever ever - saying anything derisive about Sarah Palin. 


Dirty Harry
Tuesday, Democratic Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid reimbursed his campaign for nearly $17,000 in payments made in late 2013 to his granddaughter for “holiday gifts.” But new payments are surfacing bringing the total to $31,000. (, 3/24/2014)

MSNBC has just interrupted their 24 hour coverage of the New Jersey Bridgegate scandal involving Gov. Chris Christie to report on Harry Reid's illegal gifts to family members. Just kidding!

In fact, kid wunderkin journalist Ronan Farrow opened his show on MSNBC talking not about Obama's visit with Pope Francis, not the mudslide out west, not the missing jet. No, instead he talked about the findings of Christie's lawyer on Bridgegate. For the first ten minutes of the show. No kidding!

Even if Russia moves into eastern Ukraine, senior administration officials said, there should be absolutely no expectation that American troops would head to Kiev.

“The American people are not going to war with Russia over Ukraine, full stop,” a senior administration official said, echoing public comments by Mr. Obama. (New York Times, 3/27/2014)

There was a time not long ago (well, the Bush administration really) when America did not tell its potential enemies its military strategy in advance. All that has been changed now that General Obama is in charge. 

“If you aspire to be a gangsta rapper, by definition your lyrics need to be violent,” said Charis E. Kubrin, an associate professor of criminology, law and society at the University of California, Irvine.
“What’s getting really unnerving,” said Erik Nielson, an assistant professor of liberal arts at the University of Richmond, “is the amount of time it appears both police and prosecutors are spending over rap lyrics and videos on social media rather than using that time to go and gather more convincing, more conventional forms of evidence.”
Critics like Andrea L. Dennis, an associate professor of law at the University of Georgia, say law enforcement ignores the fact that rappers do not necessarily live the lives they sing about. (New York Times, 3/27/2014)

The New York Times writes an article about rappers in jail, perhaps in the view of the Times unfairly, because of their violent lyrics. America's elite academics weigh in. Naturally they support the thugs.

Here is an example of those lyrics - quoted in the very same article - that Liberal professors (yes, that is redundant) suggest that we not take so literally:

"But nobody saw when I [expletive] smoked him. Roped him, sharpened up the shank, then I poked him, 357 Smith & Wesson beam scoped him."

Weep for the state of higher education in America.

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