Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Irons in the Fire

Climate Change
In such a climate, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton ranks as the model diplomat. She often practiced activity for activity's sake, circling the globe nonstop before adoring cameramen while having no real diplomatic accomplishment to her credit, despite a refreshing tendency to speak boldly on occasion. The media approved of her because she was, well, a celebrity. (Robert D. Kaplan,, 5/8/2013 -- "">For American Foreign Policy, No Good Options
is republished with permission of Stratfor.")

Statfor provides excellent objective reporting on global intelligence and security issues. We liked this excerpt which captures perfectly Hillary's star turn as Secretary of State.

Buzz Off
But much of what the witness, Gregory Hicks, is expected to say — that he appealed in vain for fighter jets to buzz the besieged compound, and that other American officials sought to send a group of commandos to the rescue but were told to stand down — would raise questions that have already been addressed in hearings and in a critical report by the State Department. (NYT, 5/8/2013)

The New York Times finally writes about the Benghazi investigations and does it their way. Within four paragraphs they tell us what the witnesses are going to say and characterize it as nothing new ("old news" in Jay Carney's words). They then go on to explain how it is a story ginned up by Fox News and conservatives. 

We can only guess that they expended all of their investigative powers and journalistic curiosity on Bush and WMDs. The Times has nothing more to give us. Underscoring the trivial nature of the story in their view, the Times positions it as the sixth story in its POLITICS section. 

And by way, what is the reason that the Benghazi story must be buried by the Legitimate Media? Simple, the coronation of Hillary Clinton can not be jeopardized. If push comes to shove, the LM would sacrifice Obama before they would derail Hillary in 2016. 

Despite the Obama administration’s generous support for green energy, job creation in the sector has both lagged and come at a hefty cost to taxpayers, according to a new report.

According to the Institute for Energy Research, the Department of Energy has spent nearly $26 billion since 2009 on its Section 1703 and 1705 loan programs. However, these two programs only yielded 2,308 permanent jobs — meaning the cost to taxpayers was $11.25 million per job. (, 5/8/2013)

Of course, there are no limits on Obama scandals.  Benghazi, Solyndra, cabinet picks....couldn't the Legitimate Media run with at least one?

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