Tuesday, January 15, 2013

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The young bucks at Breitbart continue to astound. We caught Ben Shapiro's smackdown of Piers Morgan on CNN the other night. You could see the fear in Morgan's eyes as he realized that Shapiro was both smarter and more articulate than him. Morgan was reduced to feigning indignation and then asking Shapiro the same question three times. (Which Shapiro answered three times!) Now we get word of James O'Keefe going to the homes of journalists who smugly published the names and addresses of gun owners. Claiming to represent the fictitious "Citizens Against Senseless Violence," O'Keefe asks the journalists if they would be willing to put up a yard sign declaring their property as a gun-free zone. Alas, no takers. If these guys were Liberals they would be winning awards. 

Bad Nurse
In the video footage first broadcast Friday on Mr. Youssef’s television program, Mr. Morsi addressed a rally in his hometown in the Nile Delta to denounce the Israeli blockade of Gaza. “We must never forget, brothers, to nurse our children and our grandchildren on hatred for them: for Zionists, for Jews,” Mr. Morsi declared. Egyptian children “must feed on hatred; hatred must continue,” he said. “The hatred must go on for God and as a form of worshiping him.” (NYT, 1/14/2013)

So again, for those who says that Israel must be more temperate in its dealings with its Arab (and Persian) neighbors we present the above. 

Federal officials said they were laying the groundwork for exchanges in Oklahoma and other states that refused to set up their own. But Oklahoma officials said they had not observed much activity. “We have not seen evidence of any steps to set up a federal exchange in Oklahoma,” said Kelly Collins, a spokeswoman for the State Insurance Department. (NYT, 1/14/2013)

Just what exactly has Kathleen Sebelius been doing? We cannot begin to realize the tremendous cost savings of Obamacare if she does not get to work. 

Not Admitted
More and more liberals are picking up this theme and admitting that the middle class has to be taxed because that's where the money is. (WSJ, 1/14/2013)

President Obama is slowly retiring his worn-out line about taxing the rich more. In its place he is now spouting "we just had an election about that and the American people agreed with me." "That" references anything that Obama wants, as if 52% of voters supported in full every single one of his initiatives (never mind the 48%, by the way). "We just had an election about subsidies to green energy companies and the American people agreed with me." "We just had an election about taxing the middle class more and the American people agreed with me," .....

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