Monday, April 16, 2012

Enter To Win Dinner With Barack

The Clash
Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner defended his boss Sunday against charges from Mitt Romney that women have "suffered" under the Obama administration -- in what has become one of the first big clashes between the two sides since Romney emerged as the presumptive GOP nominee. (, 4/15/20120)

The Obama administration rolls out the Treasury Secretary to keep the "War on Women" topic alive. Just who is this Geithner anyway?

During the confirmation hearings of Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner three years ago, we learned that he failed to pay self-employment tax on income from the International Monetary Fund. Mr. Geithner partially blamed the oversight on the TurboTax software he had used, claiming it wasn't formatted "in a way that caught" his embarrassing mistake. 

This excuse is now memorialized in tax lore as the "TurboTax defense." The IRS waived all penalties against Mr. Geithner—a waiver not customarily offered to ordinary taxpayers, who routinely face a 20% accuracy penalty (plus interest) on back taxes. (WSJ, 4/16/2012)

Oh, now we remember!

Ms. Speaking
On Chris Matthews today, former Clinton Press Secretary (and apologist) Dee Dee Myers excused (her admitted friend) Hilary Rosen's comment disparaging Ann Romney. 'It was all a misstatement, she didn't mean it, she apologized, etc.' And besides said Myers, she doesn't speak for the White House. Well alright, RedStateVT says that Rush Limbaugh does not speak for the Republican party....notwithstanding Democrats who recently held Limbaugh out as the voice of the GOP.

Matthews - to his credit - then said his stay-at-home mother raised five boys and its was a hard job. Bravo!

The recent news includes a daring and deadly Taliban raid in Afghanistan, a government boondoggle scandal that wasted hundreds of thousands of dollars of tax-payer money and a prostitution scandal involving the Secret Service. The state-controlled media has made little effort to tie these to the Obama administration. We cannot help but think of the headlines had the very same scandals taken place under George Bush:

--Deadly Raids Undercut Bush Claims of Progress in Afghanistan

--Did Lack of White House Oversight Lead to GSA Excesses?

--Critics Say Macho White House Culture Led To Secret Service Sex Scandal

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