Sunday, April 3, 2011

Code Pink Alert!

Standard Fare
Are there no standards whatsoever for punditry? Do high government or corporate officials suffer no consequence for leading us into calamity? Public officials who have failed spectacularly in office should have the common decency to retire in disgrace. But even if modern-day officials know no shame, why in the world would opinion pages, network talk shows and reputable journals give them a forum to offer their opinions, when they have shown that their advice isn’t worth the air it disturbs? (Katrina Vanden Heuvel, Washington Post, 3/29/11)

RedStateVT favorite Vanden Heuvel rails against ex-government officials offering their views of current events. Ex-government officials who happen to be Republicans. She includes Donald Rumsfeld, Alan Greenspan and Col. Oliver North on her short list of “failures.”

Well RedStateVT has another list of failures….Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton, Elliot Spitzer, and Rod Blagojevich. All Dems, all failures. Carter, perhaps the worst president of all time. Clinton who disgraced the office by having an extra-marital affair with an intern young enough to be his daughter and then lied about it. Elliot Spitzer who as governor employed prostitutes and now is a talk show host. And then there is Blago, accused of trying to sell a Senate seat. Yet, none of these transgressions appear to have limited these “failures” from being asked their opinion. Katrina? Hello? Anyone home there?

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