Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Since You Asked

…the rise of the Tea Party movement reflected a broader concern among Americans about the nation’s rapidly mounting debt. (NYT, 2/16/11)

In a quieter moment, away from the frenzy of elections, it is nice to see the Times present a more sober assessment of what the Tea Party is all about. In other times, readers would have thought the movement was comprised of racists, birthers and right-wing nuts.

Let it be
"Since President Obama has taken office the federal government has added 200,000 new federal jobs, and if some of those jobs are lost in this, so be it." (House Speaker John Boehner)

Boehner has taken criticism for this remark (those heartless Republicans!), but let’s dissemble it a bit. Obama gins up hiring of federal employees further bloating the government. Those employees – whose salaries and benefits are paid for by the taxpayer - are going to vote for him and contribute money to his reelection.

“So be it” sounds about right.

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