Saturday, June 5, 2010

By Any Other Name

As President Obama heads to the Gulf Friday for his third oil-spill visit, his most ardent critics back in Washington will be stirring up trouble. From their perch in Congress, members of the opposing party have seized on the oil spill crisis as a way to hammer Obama politically, moving aggressively to question the president's response to the environmental disaster. (Washington Post, 6/4/10)

As President Bush heads to the Gulf Friday for his third Katrina visit, his most ardent critics back in Washington will be stirring up trouble. From their perch in Congress, members of the opposing party have seized on the hurricane crisis as a way to hammer Bush politically, moving aggressively to question the president's response to the environmental disaster. (RedStateVT, 9/4/05)

But Issa (California Republican Representative Darrell Issa) is regarded in Washington as an automatic anti-Obama quote, and the fact that the documents come from him could undermine their impact. (Washington Post, 6/4/10)

Think hard now, anyone out there ever hear Nancy Pelosi blithely dismissed as “an automatic anti-Bush” quote? We thought not!

Man of Many Moods
President Obama told CNN's Larry King Wednesday that he is "furious at this entire situation" in the Gulf of Mexico because "somebody didn't think through the consequences of their actions," according to advance excerpts of the interview, which is set to air Thursday night at 9 p.m.

But the president, who seemed calm as ever, also emphasized that his emotions were secondary to his actions.

"I would love to just spend a lot of my time just venting and yelling at people. But that's not the job I was hired to do. My job is to solve this problem. And, ultimately this isn't about me and how angry I am. (Washington Post, 6/3/10)

So which is he....furious, calm or angry?

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