Thursday, April 8, 2010

He Does It...

His Way, Part 1
President Obama prefers to interact with questioners on his own terms. That means almost no prime-time news conferences -- he hasn't given one for more than nine months. Instead, he obviously favors any forum that allows him to give long, discursive answers without being subjected to follow-up questions. (John Fund, WSJ, 4/5/10)

His Way, Part 2
Coming on the heels of the U.S. public chastisement of Israel's government, the larger concern over the Karzai episode is what it reveals about Mr. Obama's diplomatic frame of mind. With adversaries, he is willing to show inordinate patience, to the point of muffling his objections when opposition blood ran in the streets of Tehran. With allies, on the other hand, the President is unforgiving and insists they follow his lead or face his public wrath. The result will be that our foes fear us less, and that we have fewer friends. (WSJ, 4/7/10)

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